Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monday: August 2

Spotlight: Chaburas

There are many different formats for the learning on the NCSY Kollel. None are more effective or appreciated than the afternoon Chaburas.

Each Chabura is generally for 90 minutes, from after the post-Mincha announcements until the afternoon break. The Chaburas are made up of 4-6 NCSYers, led by a madrich. Each madrich is a hybrid between a camp counselor and a learning rebbe. Outside of Chabura he is responsible for the NCSYers in his group, from attendance, to physical comfort and everything in between. Inside Chabura, the madrich is the ringleader of some very spirited and interactive learning sessions.

Chaburas are designed to be somewhat less formal than typical classroom learning environments. There are more questions and more give and take, with frequent tangents and discussions. One of the primary goals is to get everyone involved and active. The size of the group and format of the learning lend themselves to this.

The Chaburas are a social experience as well. On the peer-to-peer level, chaburas are utilized to help form new relationships with like-minded NCSYers. No chabura has more than two students from the same high school, and expert madrichim can use the camaraderie and good will to foster extremely positive friendships.

Above all, is the powerful bond that is formed between the NCSYers and their madrichim. There is no better building block for long and positive relationships than the study of Torah. Careful analysis of a difficult text will often spill over to a discussion outside of chabura, on any number of life issues facing the NCSYers. Madrichim are trusted and respected and ideal confidants.

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