Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday: August 8

After all the fanfare of Shabbat and the Motzai Shabbat mega-events, we made every effort to spend Sunday, our last full day together, on as regular a schedule as possible. That meant regular shiurim and learning throughout the day, and ending with Torah on our lips. Of course, the emotions were high for the final installments of each of the different aspects of out learning program, and that was certainly reflective of the incredible growth over the summer. Every Beit Medrash should be left (if and when leaving is required) with such bittersweet feelings and such reluctance!

In the afternoon, it was time to wrap tings up on the court. There were still champions to be crowned, and all start games to be played, Kollel style. The “Second Chance” Tournament reached an exciting conclusion. Rabbi Lebowitz was denied his second title of the summer, and his squad fell to the appropriately named Team 1. Congratulations to Seth Grossman, Yaakov Danishefsky, Yitz Landa, Avi Lerer, Michael Berkowitz, Jonathan Packer, Josh Steinreich and Alex Landsman!

The hockey season drew to a close with an impressive performance by Rabbi Bronfeld’s team. They received stellar goal play from Yoni Jaroslawicz and a hat trick from Avi Margulies and posted a 3-0 victory. Congrats to Avi, Yoni, Rabbi Bronfeld, Avi Berkovits, Yitzchak Ginsberg, Zack Burak, Tzvika Poleyeff, Eli Rosenberg, Chaim Rosensweig, and Leor Rapps! There was plenty more fun and sports action. Eitan Jacob earned the title of Three Pojnt Shooting Champion, besting impressive groups of shooters for the crown.

The Sports Staff proved to be the best of the best, by edging the madrichim in the all star championship. And our always-popular “Around the World” games were once again a real highlight. This round robin all star tournament links guys from different years but the same schools are geographical areas. This year, the always strong MTA squad was bounced early. DRS, despite the sentimental push of Rabbi Kaminetsky playing alongside his son and students, also fell in round one. That left the NY/NJ all-stars in a winner take all battle with the World Wide team. In a minor upset, NY/NJ proved victorious and a great time was had by all. Another summer of NCSY Kollel sports was in the books.

The learning of the last day was awesome. There were a few special highlights, starting with a unique “Achdut Seder” in the afternoon. For this learning session we simply randomized the lists of every NCSYer and staff member and created new chavrusa match ups for the entire groups. Even for a short while, the opportunity to connect with a new person and learn together was valuable. Rabbi Cohen wrapped up the program with a short shiur on the Halachic power of Eretz Yisroel.

And the final night of learning was incredible. Chaburas held their final full sessions late into the night. Well past midnight we celebrated with a special group of NCSYers who devoted time each night to learning Masechet Makkot and completed the entire Masechta by the end of the summer. Led by madrich Yosef Miller, they led a siyum that put a charge into the entire group. Mazal Tov to Yaakov Schiff, Netanel Rosnzweig, Betzalael Cohn and Shlomo Landesman on a job very well done!

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