Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday: August 1

The week got off to a flying start on Sunday, with two much anticipated events providing thrills and excitement.

After a strong morning of learning, we headed out for our annual Chabura Trips. Each chabura traveled to different locations of their choosing, ranging from bowling to flag football, the Old City to scavenger hunts, Mea Shearim to audiences with Rabbeim of the Madrichim. Whatever the itinerary, the outings helped to reinforce some of the basic strengths of the Chaburas. For one thing, the Chaburas are designed to impact the NCSYers far beyond the four walls of the classroom or Beit Medrash. In this sense, time spent as a chabura outside of the context of formal learning is particularly valuable.

n addition, chabura trips are just plain fun. And they are part of the great success the chaburas have in making learning more palatable and enjoyable.

The chabura trips led into one of the real highlights of the Kollel calendar- Yom NCSY.

The significance of Yom NCSY can be measured on two scales. First, is the quality of the programming for the event. This year we were privileged to hear from Mr. Natan Sharansky. He is currently head of the Jewish Agency, but his personal history and accomplishments provided much stronger credentials. He spoke powerfully of the everlasting connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and recalled his own longing for the Jewish homeland while a political prisoner in communist Russia.

One of the most powerful elements of the program was the presentation from Sgt. Benjamin Anthony, an officer in the IDF. Seargant Anthony offered an insider’s perspective on the challenges faced by the Israeli Army and importance of standing side by side with the soldiers. He completely captivated the audience with his stories of life on the front line, and the NCSYers were very moved and inspired by the entire talk.

Of course, there was more to the program than just the orations. There was great food, rousing video presentations, short rallies for each individual program, and, to top the evening off, an incredible concert featuring the music of Shlomo Katz and Chaim Dovid.

But even with a less sensational schedule, Yom NCSY would be quite worthwhile. At its heart, it is most important simply as an assembly of teens from North America and Israel totaling close to 1000 strong. This gathering is exceedingly inspirational, and a cause for great celebration within our community. It was a real showcase for the great work being done by NCSY Summer Programs, and we were proud to be a part and contribute. It was especially gratifying to spend another evening with our good friends on TJJ Ambassadors, and to continue the development of the relationships that had been formed during their stay with us at the Kollel.

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