Monday, July 26, 2010

Shabbat Nachamu: July 24

There were highlights aplenty over Shabbat, but in truth, the real greatness of the weekend was simply soaking in the incomparable atmosphere and beauty of Tzefat. The program attempted to showcase the serenity and inspiration found in every alley and staircase.

As always, the ruach at the meal was just on another level. With everyone’s active participation, we were able to take new songs and old and energize the entire room. Following the rousing seuda, we split into three options. For some, it was a special session with Rabbi Kaminetsky, singing the songs of Shabbat and Tzefat well into the night. Others took full advantage of our resident tiyul expert, Rabbi Moshe Gordon, for a special nighttime adventure through “The Hidden Tzefat.” Our final option was a special tour with stories and insight from Yaakov Block.

On Shabbat day we split up to sample the eclectic group of ancient and modern Tzefat synagogues. Lunch was once again a high-energy affair. In the late afternoon we had a tour of the classic and less known Tzefat venues. We also heard from Rav Yona Akiva, a Breslov Chassid originally from public school in Boston, MA. Rav Yona’s sweetness and sincerity were the perfect conduits for him to share his remarkable story. We concluded Shabbat Nachamu with some penetrating words of chizuk from Rabbi Kaminetsky, who drew the strong parallels between the historical consept of Mikdash and our Torah study today. All in all, it was an unforgettable weekend that combined fun and inspiration for the perfect Nachamu combination.

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