Two buses focused their tour on the depths and heights of the Old City of Yerushalayim. There was a unique survey of Ir David, bringing the recent excavations and discoveries to life for our NCSYers. That segment of the trip culminated in Chizkiyau’s Water Tunnels, which provided both fun and a new perspective on Jerusalem in the Temple era. They also explored the Kotel Tunnels, with its unmatched vantage point on Har HaBayit, the Temple Mount. Being able to reach out and touch the places so enmeshed with our past and future was incredibly moving.
These groups ended their day at the newly refurbished Churva Synagogue, in the heart of the Old City. This breathtakingly beautiful shul is fast becoming the defining symbol of Yerushalayim’s rebirth, and provided no small dose of comfort during our days of mourning and loss.
The final tiyul option was truly an “Only on the NCSY Kollel” event. Rabbi Moshe Gordon has worked tirelessly to put together an amazing day entitled “The History of Torah in Yerushalayim.” The tour traces the growth of Torah learning in Yerushalayim over the past century, and provides glimpses into the history and future of the world of learning.
It seamlessly combines historical sites and exhibits, with the vibrancy of thriving Batei Medrash and communities today. Above all, the tour includes meetings with some of today’s leading Gedolei Yisroel, many of whom take the time to address our group and are consistently impressed by the way our NCSYers are spending their summers. This year’s trip included a fascinating new exhibit at Hebrew University on Jewish life on pre-war Mezbitch, a tour of the awe inspiring Belz Beit Medrash, a chance to greet and hear from Rav Nosson Tzvi Finakel and Rav Scheinberg.
The day ended with a private reception with Rav Ovadiah Yosef, who spoke warmly with the group and offered divrei bracha. It was truly an unforgettable experience from beginning to end, and unquestionably one of the summer’s real highlights.
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