Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday: July 15

This week was highlighted by the arrival of Rav Schachter to the program. The three weeks that the Schachters spend with us are always precious, and Rav Schachter’s great impact on the program has already been felt.

For all the wonderful aspects of the learning on the NCSY Kollel, perhaps the most special is the interaction the NCSYers and staff are privileged to have with Rav Schachter, Rav Twersky, and Rav Sobolofsky. Each brings his own style and perspective to our Beit Medrash, and they all combine to raise the level of our learning to incredible heights.

It’s difficult to enumerate all of their varied contributions, but it’s important to name a few. Halacha Shiur in the morning starts every learning day with a clear presentation of Jewish law from our community’s greatest experts and decisors. The Roshei Yeshiva offer shiurim throughout the morning for the different levels of our staff, and insure that the quality of learning is as high as possible. Rav Sobolofsky offers a special optional shiur at the end of lunch everyday, that is attended by staff and NCSYers alike. Their night shiurim are consistently among the most popular, and give dozens of NCSYers the opportuinity for direct learning from these leaders. Above all, their daily chavrusas are memorable encounters that will surely shape the future of the NCSYers for years to come.

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