Friday, July 16, 2010

Wednesday: July 14

Wednesday we resumed our week of learning with TJJ Ambassadors. By now everyone was comfortable in his surroundings, and the learning was enhanced by the relationships that had been formed. In addition to the regular schedule, we welcomed TJJ with three special programs during the afternoon break.

First, TJJ and Kollel joined in the Beit Medrash for a special session of Tzizit making. Rabbi Gordon led the group in explaining the roots and details of the Mitzvah. Of course, for both Kollel and TJJ, there is no comparison between Tzitzit bought in a store and Tzitzit made by one’s own hand.

From there we moved to the court, for the annual TJJ-Kollel Basketball Challenge. The Kollel All-Stars kept our all-time undefeated record intact with an impressive performance, but the sportsmanship by all really was the story. Kudos to game MVPs Shimmy Steinmetz and Shlomo Berman for leading the Kollel stars to victory.

Part two of the game united the Kollel stars and their TJJ counterparts against the Kollel sports staff. Unfortunately, even Achdut can sometimes meet its match, and the sports staff lived up to their billing with an remarkable display of teamwork and skill, and a resounding victory.

But unquestionably, the highlight of the day (if not the entire summer) was the one of a kind siyum that followed. Yosef Brander having completed Gemara Masechet Makkot, represented the Kollel. Tzuri Teshuba and Robbie Ellenhorn , having completed Pirkei Avot this summer, represented TJJ. Together, they made one of the more remarkable siyums you will ever see. The clear display of commitment to Torah study and a unified community was NCSY at its absolute finest. It was really an honor to be a part of, and the celebatory meal that followed was well earned and much enjoyed.

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